Vasile Author of articles

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5 Articles

Author's articles

  • Treatment of cystitis in women should be comprehensive and timely. In this case, there is a chance to quickly get rid of inflammation forever. What medicines are prescribed to women to relieve the symptoms of cystitis?
    18 December 2023
  • How to treat cystitis in women to cope with the problem as soon as possible? Find out which medicines and folk remedies help in healing.
    21 July 2022
  • The concept of cystitis in men. Disease classification, clinical picture, causes, diagnosis and treatment methods.
    14 July 2022
  • Everything about the disease "Cystitis": causes, symptoms and first signs of the disease, the way of diagnosis and methods of treatment.
    12 July 2022
  • What is cystitis, what types of diseases exist. Symptoms and causes of cystitis. Diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
    10 July 2022